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Apolima MP Urges Minister to Prioritise Wharf Construction

Photo: Samoa Parliament
Photo: Samoa Parliament

In today's session of the Samoa Parliament, the Member of Parliament for Aiga i le Tai constituency, Auapaau Mulipola Aloitafua, made an emotional plea to the Minister of Works, Transport, and Infrastructure, Olo Fiti Vaai, to prioritise the construction of a new wharf for Apolima Island.

Auapaau recounted his recent experiences with international diplomats, highlighting the growing embarrassment and logistical challenges faced due to the absence of a proper wharf. During a recent trip with the Ambassador of Japan to the opening of a school on Apolima, the MP noted the visible sadness of the Ambassador when they had to rely on a privately owned wharf instead of the main docking point. The tide was not in, making the main wharf unusable.

"This year, I also accompanied the Chinese Ambassador to Apolima, and we encountered the same problem," Auapaau stated. "It is disheartening to see our distinguished guests face such inconveniences due to our inadequate infrastructure."

The MP emphasised that the route between Apolima and Upolu is becoming busier than ever, with an increasing population on the island. He stressed the urgent need for a reliable wharf to ensure safe and efficient travel for both residents and visitors.

"The people of Apolima deserve better," Auapaau implored. "We cannot continue to neglect their needs. The lack of a proper wharf is not only a hindrance to daily commutes but also a potential safety hazard, especially during adverse weather conditions."

Auapaau pledged to keep advocating for the wharf's construction and urged the Minister of Works, Transport, and Infrastructure to place this project as a top priority.

"The residents of Apolima are growing in number, and their needs are evolving. It is imperative that we provide them with the infrastructure they need to thrive. I respectfully request that the Minister consider this plea and take immediate action to address the issue."




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